AYA Network Bhd (405853-D)
F4.06A-2, Level 4, Summit,
Subang USJ, Persiaran Kewajipan,
47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor.

Leadership: Personality & Communication Skills (Part 2)

29 July 2022

Respect and Responsibility

It’s the 3rd week of our AYA VIP Programme, and this week – the students learned communication skills from our trainer, Sandra Chin, Executive Director of Mordecai Coaching and Leadership Solutions. They spent some time reflecting on last week’s training and started the session playing some charades.

Non-verbal & verbal communication, situation assessment as well as the “4 Communication Styles” were some of the knowledge that Sandra brought our students through. They also did some role-play by emulating real life situations and were given guidance on the best response to take incorporating their own communication styles.

The theme/ values for the 2022 intake is “Respect and Responsibility”, which Sandra creatively unpacked with the students throughout the sessions.

AYA VIP Values Apprenticeship Programme is currently running in partnership with Victory Academy.

For more information, kindly enquire at vip@aya.org.my

To apply to join our VIP programme, please visit: bit.ly/ayavipregistration